Most of it comes from my own experience and close and some not so close friends. I tried being nice to men here and paid the price a few times. When I started being more of a bitch, I finally got treated with respect. People here just don’t respect someone who is kind to them…and that’s okay. Cultures vary. Someone who decides to visit or live here should just accept the way things are instead of some romanticized idea.

There are lines though. One shouldn’t actually do dirt to people. One should keep their word because trust works the same. Just that here, one should understand that there is no room for good faith, and there is no point to convincing men that the reality of life and sexuality is somehow less cruel than it truly is. Especially in a small country wherein marrying someone from the same or a compatible culture is so important, your one chance might well be your one chance at love. If you screw it up, you might not get another. It could be whores or your hand or the leftover women you’re not really attracted to for the rest of your life…and if you go to another country, it’s going to be even worse for most of you because you have to compete with men who didn’t have the illusion that they were big fish in a small pond.

As much as I may wish things were different, I had to deal with the reality. Once I did, my life became a whole lot better. So as a man, maybe you could help the situation by really watching a woman’s behavior. There are different kinds of bitchy. If she’s just making her needs clear, that’s normal…but cheating behind your back, stealing from you, and making trouble for you is something else. Some is just bluster to protect ourselves, but some women really are dirty, and you need to fight your male sort of hypergamy not to be impressed. Not every woman who says she’s a queen is a queen.