You are a phenomenal woman. The intelligence and civility you show commenting at Roissy’s blog, in those extremely difficult circumstances, is truly amazing.

The male-female situation today is dire. The truth, as you recognize, is that sex is a fundamental aspect of human nature, male and female. We’re poisoning human nature and creating mass human misery.

I’m male, so I’ll offer a solution to the problem:

1. Cultivate a sense of wonder. Yup, “the war between the sexes rages on between groups of overly entitled White people.” Amazing. Makes me want to be black.
2. Engage in small acts of face-to-face kindness. Humans have evolved highly situational cognition. In the right circumstances, you could stir a smile even from those who have treated you vilely. Engage in these small acts of affirming joy in defiance of our current cosmic horrors.
