Meta has profited from over 200 ads using the anti-LGBTQ “groomer” slur, even though the platform claims it prohibits the term | Media Matters for America

Meta has profited from over 200 ads using the anti-LGBTQ “groomer” slur, even though the platform claims it prohibits the term (Media Matters for America)

Meta confirmed last July that use of the word “groomer” to baselessly describe LGBTQ people violates its hate speech policies, but Media Matters has identified over 200 ads that Meta has profited from that contain the harmful messaging — including 63 new ads that garnered nearly 1 million impressions.

 Right-wing media’s misuse of the term “groomer” has helped fuel a recent rise in anti-LGBTQ sentiment and coincided with a conservative push to enact legislation that strips away the rights of LGBTQ people, especially transgender people. Meta publicly confirmed in July that, as The Daily Dot explained, “baselessly calling LGBTQ people or the community ‘groomers’ or accusing them of ‘grooming’ is governed under their policies prohibiting hate speech.”

Source: Meta has profited from over 200 ads using the anti-LGBTQ “groomer” slur, even though the platform claims it prohibits the term | Media Matters for America


My pronouns are whatever you're comfortable with as long as you speak to me with respect. I'm an Afruikan and Iswa refugee living in Canaan. That's African American expat in Israel in Normalian. I build websites, make art, and assist people in exercising their spirituality. I'm also the king of an ile, Baalat Teva, a group of African spirituality adherents here. Feel free to contact me if you are in need of my services or just want to chat.


  1. @IronWynch That’s why I left Meta when it was still Facebook. I can’t take Bigots, Racists, fascists or Nazis-I would end up in a fury after 5 minutes of logging on that lasted for the rest of the day

  2. @IronWynch Meta more egregiously has ads selling body armor and tac gear. These end up in the hands of school shooters. When you question the placement of these ads, the Meta bots send you more of them. But Heaven help you if you promote these things. Then Meta gets very huffy…

  3. @IronWynch Fuckberg would sell ads calling for murder of his mother if he could make a dollar from it.

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