With such people, there is no point in trying to get them to understand. It would be like trying to convince a mouse that he could successfully escape an attack by dogs by rigging a simple sail that would distract them long enough to wonder if a larger animal was about to attack them. The mouse doesn’t have the skill to build a sail. It is better to encourage them to dig escape tunnels. The dogs, good diggers themselves, could upset the tunnels more easily than they could overcome their primal fears, but you’re dealing with a mouse. Hoping they’ll grow more intelligence, resourcefulness, and skill than they are capable of is a waste of time.

…but that’s the beauty of nature. Mice have more than one baby at a time, and enough of them are good enough at avoiding danger, that mice aren’t going to become extinct anytime really soon. Your job is therefore not to rail against reality by insisting mice should build pop up sails, but to become okay with the fact that part of their role in nature is dogfood.

An independent thinker in any species’ greatest challenge in social life is learning to accept the death, misery, and destruction of fellow members of the same species, without becoming defeatist or otherwise self destructive. We all go through various changes related to that.

So where you and I may disagree and differ on many points, I see no need for the hostility. Roissy hasn’t yet gotten to that point, and may never. This blowing up at women who challenge his worldview specifically citing ways in which they are not average or “normal” is a long established pattern with him.

Deviation from the norm is all good so long as people are kissing his ass, but when someone isn’t, even if they’re agreeing with him on some key points, he runs under the skirt of normalcy. If I thought he was smarter, I’d say he was tricking his readers to weed out the sheeple, and only truly respects his opponents.

Alas, I’ve not found the website where he posts about social dynamics, and cites his blog as a false messiah experiment.

Someday, you will no longer find his site offensive, but rather yet another screaming lamb. You can tell yourself as much as you like, “If I could just save one…” but you are not smarter than nature.

From him and from what I gather, others, you are learning the nature of the herd…and sadly that not all herds have a true shepherd, just a somewhat more loud and divot kicking sheep.

…about some of the other forums you’re having trouble with, also be aware that there is a huge mental/social difference between someone who is an independent thinker, and someone forced to the fringes of society for merely being considered unsuitable or unfit. The latter are still very dependent on their herd, even though it rejects and disrespects them.

Seek companionship in packs, not herds…and when you venture into the pasture without your mask on, prepare for a stampede.