Hmmm…I left a concise response there, basically asking them to read your posts for comprehension and avoid kneejerking. I mentioned that I’ve been in multiple interethnic relationships, and that it doesn’t serve one to go into these things blindly, as if dating out is some kind of escape from the harsh realities of womanhood or gender relations as they are today.

Post has been disappeared. Seems they don’t really want to have a discussion, just pat each other on the back.

It’s okay though, because as soon as the non Black men they’re dating or married to get a little backbone, they’ll either fall in line or get left behind.

A little on the topic, it reminds me a lot of those “positive confession” Christians. If you have any problems or are sick or disabled, it can’t be that it’s just nature or outside forces or something. It’s because you don’t have enough faith. People would be ashamed to admit they needed help or had to see a doctor because it would mean to their fellows in church that there was some kind of sin they were committing that caused the sickness.

Black women don’t want to admit that there are things about the sexual market that we have no control of, like how people perceive us independent of or despite our behavior. It’s easier for them if they can convince themselves that there is some solution aside of learning to be okay with yourself and walk alone with dignity if it comes to that.

Dating out is the new dating like a man which was the new free love, and so on. This is just next in a long list of solutions that don’t really solve the problem which is that all western women are facing a market in which women have largely rendered ourselves useless to men outside our looks. In that kind of climate, those perceived as the ugliest or least socially valuable are going to get hit the hardest. Some lucky few may get a good man against the odds, but most are going to end up alone, sharing with others non consensually, or with a punk with some brand of “White guilt” who views Black women as dominant by default, and who will opt out when they realize that the slightly higher testosterone doesn’t make us male or man-like in the least.

The latter, by the way, is one component of my favorite filter after the moron defense.

Black women need to see the big picture, and not get too wrapped up in the relatively minor detail of the “swirl” being an interethnic relationship. Men are the genetic trailblazers of the genders, so men dating out is perfectly normal. The woman in the equation needs to be very careful that she insists on being the woman regardless of what color the guy in front of her is. That’s the important thing. If she does that, she’ll be more likely to find a decent Black man than a non Black one, and the latter will be closer to an option they actually have, and less like an option they think they have but don’t really.