Nicole, what I said in my previous post is absolutely all there was too it.

I was not part of any frenzy being whipped up around Obsidian as no such frenzy existed. I have not posted on Obsidian’s blog or read any of his posts in months. He has not been allowed to post on my blog in months either, although he has constantly referred to me and attempted to garner my attention. I thought it best to completely ignore him as I thought he was a bit mentally unstable at best and a complete nut at worst. (I’ve had previous experiences with people on the internet who turned out to be complete loons).

As far as referring to his blog as trash, it was trash IMO. His writing was convoluted, lacked cohesion, and often had no point.

There is no thread at Y’s where I have EVER referred to Obsidian. There is no thread at Zek’s, Jasmin’s (sp?) or any other blog where where I ‘misinterpreted him and cursed him out’. I have never even made a comment on the latter two blogs and never spoken to either of them online or off.

So please, explain to me when I ever got my hands dirty in this whole affair because right now you seem to have no idea what you are talking about, just following rumors and innuendo.