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Step right up, folks! Welcome to a world where disagreement in a discussion means harassment, following a link means cyberstalking, and posting a photo, even by mistake, in your blog without wasting the author’s bandwidth is a copyright violation warranting shutting down your site.
This is the world of Bene Viera, a writer on As you can see for yourself in the discussion forum topic Should a Black man be allowed to disagree? she is a newbie blogger who doesn’t even know what tags are for, but I should not presume to tell her how the internet works.
I’d be angrier if this wasn’t just so freaking sad.
Hi Nicole,
Just got finished reading along the back and forth btw you and “Pro”, which is the Brotha who owns the website that I got the Bene Viera pic from – and trust me, he wasn’t “nice” at all. He was threatening, mean and arrogant. And I’ll be dealing with him in due course, trust me. You can see what he actually said if you go back and dig up my open letter posts to Viera. It’s all there in the comments.
It will be very interesting to see what anyone else has to say about this, especially Ms. Viera herself. Please get the aforementioned posts, look at the comments sections, and see for yourself. I’m confident to let you and anyone else seeing this, to come to their own conclusions.
Thanks again!
Hi Nicole,
Pleaese notice how “Pro” the white knight, puts himself through all kids of changes to say disparaging things about me, BUT HE NEVER ACTUALLY ADDRESSES MY RESPONSE ARTICLE TO VIERA’S ESSENCE PIECE. When I pointed this out to him, he shrugged it off as being a waste of his time.
You’re right to hold his and Viera’s, and by extension Essence’s feet to the fire on this one. Oh, and you have my full permission, use this comment of mine as evidence of that, to repost my actual article on your site. Let’s invite everyone to see for themselves, if what I said was indeed “misogynist” or not.
Also, please let them know that I had written withering criticism about Marc Lamont Hill, and instead of him baving a bird about it, he actually read what I wrote, and we had a very nice Twitter conversation afterward. So, what you said in your Essence forum post can definitely apply – Black Women (and their white knight enablers) Acting Badly, indeed.
As for my “Why Are Black Women B*tches” post, please go back to the Google cache of my blog and take a look at the date. It was well over a month after my response to Viera’s Essence piece appeared.
They say that Ad Hominem is the last refuge of scoundrels. “Pro” couldn’t make that old saw, more true.
Thanks again for the vigorous defense! Much appreciated.
“Pro” is writing as if they were Bene Viera. I’m not sure if they’re using the same account or if she uses a male pseudonym or what.
Either way, neither of them knows how to use the internet. I saw that comment about you using Bene’s name to get more (trying to hold back my laughter here) Google hits…and following her around the internet, as if Essence is some obscure publication few people know about, and the authors are writing on topics nobody reads about or would comment on.
They just don’t know how the web works. I feel sorry for them because obviously they know nothing of netiquette or “web karma”. They reported you because they didn’t know how bloggers handle (and sometimes thrive on) disagreements.
My hope is that he/she/they pull their head out of their butt and retract their complaint. I doubt this will happen though. It may take someone that thick headed many decades to wake up.
Hi Nicole,
“Pro” and Ms. Viera are two distinctly different people. “Pro”, I recently discovered, is actually short for “Prolific”, which is the, I guess, poetic name of Timothy “Prolific” Jones, owner of the website Andre Maurice Press. You can get there if you go to this link:
Which is the one where Ms. Viera’s mugshot is featured.
Now, here’s the thing for me: what connection do these two share?
My gut tells me that she (Ms. Viera) is “Pro’s” Man – and if that’s so, then this is simply a case of White Knighting taken to the Nth degree. Apparently, Jones owns a “production company” that focuses on “conscious” rappers and poets and the like – he can’t be much of a for real businessman, one, because “Alternative Rap” is, and always has been, a timesuck and a non-profitable; everyone who knows anything about Hip Hop knows that the money’s to be made in Gangsta Rap, and has been for years and years now. Secondly, when’s the last time you heard of a poet to come along out of Black America to get any kind of major pub? maya Angelou, maybe – and she’s what, at least 80 now?
I mean, come on. I didn’t even know who this cat was until he bitched to WP.
So, in a nutshell, that’s the skinny – its this guy’s Woman that I done went and made look silly with her own ridiculous crappola, and they couldn’t handle it so went crying and bitching to WP on a technicality. Which is fine by me – I’ll relax and chill during the Holiday Season with my peeps, fall back and tweak and site, and relaunch shortly thereafter. No big whup – and I’ll take care of Mr. “Prolific”, in due course.
Count on it.
I just keep shaking my head. I don’t know if it’s worth it to go after him unless you’re making a Black version of “Beta of the Month”. He’s either a fanboy stalker himself or a “white knight” who feels morally obligated to follow his woman into hell no matter how silly she is.
I’d do maybe one BotM style post and then let the thing rot where it died. As you can see, I tested the waters to see if he could imagine how legal doesn’t always mean morally right or honorable. He can’t. That means something though.
Unless or until he pulls his head out of her or the greater feminist ass, he is pretty much doomed. He is the volunteer violin while Rome is burning, but America’s already at the phase of barbarians at the gates. More people are realizing that the overly liberal, everything is permissible, everybody is the same mentality is getting us (as Americans and westerners in general) nowhere good.
So rapping about how horrible men are, how the situation in the ghetto is all men’s fault, and how paying for your baby mama’s extensions is going to make the world a better place does not put butts in seats.
The main reason I wouldn’t go farther than a middle finger and moving on is that this guy does not deserve the press. Really, he bought his ticket to invisibility with this move, and needs to be let to float away into obscurity where he belongs, since he doesn’t want to nut up and stand out.
If he is her boyfriend, maybe the reason he’s so shrill about all this is because there are problems in their relationship revolving around her attitude and not her intelligence. He doesn’t want her to use her hypergamy, so he could be sticking up for her through all this insanity because he doesn’t want her to know that he may well agree with you.
So long as you’re distracting them, they don’t have to work on their problems. I wouldn’t go but so far to save people who don’t want to be saved from blending back into the herd or from the inevitable romantic implosion of a man dumbing himself down to please a silly woman.
Nicole and Obsidian, you are both laughable. I mean really. Who even visits this blog? Who are you? Does anyone know either of you? You didn’t even have the common sense to know both Pro and Bene are two different people. You people really are sad examples of black women and men.
Nicole: You have some nerve to start an Essence forum where Bene contributes frequently. Please learn the facts of something before supporting for a misogynistic pig. As Pro attempted to point out to you, the blog was not removed from WordPress because of his asinine opinions. It was removed for copyright infringement. Although pictures are used everyday without gaining permission from the owner of photos, if the owner asks you to remove it, you must. When you do not, you are breaching copyright laws. I imagine the reason other photos that are used without permission remain on other sites is because the owner never asks for it to be removed. What don’t you understand about that? It’s really not such a difficult concept to grasp. You are a disgrace to black women. And the success of your blog proves just that. You consider yourself a werewolf, disagreeing with you is pointless.
Obsidian: You got exactly what you deserved. You’ve done this to a number of woman, and you don’t see anything wrong with what you are doing. Yes, you have STALKED these women. Yes, you have HARASSED these women. I looked at your Twitter timeline. Before all of this happened you attempted to contact Bene several times, you followed her to other websites and then when you couldn’t get her to read your piss poor writing, you attacked. Your actions are despicable. You’re a 40 something year old man acting like a child. When will you learn that your hateful actions are probably a direct correlation with why your life is a mess? If you’re trying to use this young lady’s name to get your “big break,” it’s not going to happen because of the malice way you’ve gone about it. Who cares that Marc Lemont Hill responded to you? She is not him. She doesn’t owe you a retort to your foolish attacks. You’re clearly obsessed with her, just like you were Jamila and others. You’re a dick rider who can’t make it on your own so you prey on women. A sad excuse for a human being. Have you ever googled “obsidian files?” If you would, you would see the number of “F**** Obsidian” posts that sprung up after your blog got shut down. The number of hateful comments you got on Spearhead also speaks volumes as to what people think of you. You need some self-reflection. Please get your life together and pray to Allah for guidance.
Asha, did you know that what you just did is harassment by Bene and Pro’s definition?
It’s not in mine, but I’d like you to consider whether or not I or they are more unreasonable.
I understand that the offense they complained about was not “harassment”, but copyright infringement. However, the reason for their targetting him was not copyright infringement, but his disagreeing with Bene that intelligence is the problem.
Now, here you are being hysterical, calling people misogynistic pigs for not enjoying being niggerized in the name of “equality”.
As to who I am, I’m Nicole Lasher. Google should answer any other questions you have. Obsidian may not be widely known outside of the MRA scene, but I am.
If indeed Allah is guiding you, then you should find very little on the Spearhead particularly hateful compared to the vitriol polluting the internet from the feminist end.
It is not stalking to contact an author about something they published or to reply to public posts. It is not stalking to read blogs concerning topics one is obviously interested in, and comment on them. It is not harassment to disagree. Nor is it harassment to post a rebuttal or to mention the fact that the author’s henchman sought to silence people without even taking the time to understand the situation.
As you can see from the fact that your post still exists, we don’t have any problem with honest dialogue. Bene and Pro do. This is my whole point. We active bloggers don’t look for reasons to report people or have their sites shut down just because they disagree with us.
Legal is not the same thing as right.
Oh, and Asha, this is the internet. People routinely use pseudonyms and multiple personas, especially when they want to make it seem as if they have more support than they actually do. When someone would go as far as to report someone over a disagreement, I don’t trust that they wouldn’t resort to any kind of shady tactics.
See, that’s the thing about trust. Once you lose people’s trust, they don’t put anything past you.
You’ll figure it out one day if any of your opinions go against the mainstream, and someone decides to play sheepdog against you. I won’t be holding my breath for that to happen though. You seem the sort who eats poop with a silver spoon, as evinced by your calling Obsidian a misogynist.
Hehehe…Some of the guys at Spearhead think he’s too soft. This might have cured him of that.
Secondly, when’s the last time you heard of a poet to come along out of Black America to get any kind of major pub?
amiri baracka aka leroy jones and the state of new jersey.
Few American poets of any race get shine because people aren’t much in the arts anymore.
Hi Chic,
Isn’t Baraka around Angelou’s age – which kinda proves my point? LOL
Hi Nicole,
Hmm. I’ll have to give what you’re saying a goodly bit of thought, and given the timeline I’ve put myself on wrt getting my blog back up and running, it’ll be a nice minute to mull things over. We’ll see.
As for “Asha”, well, you know what they say – any pub is good pub, LOL. I actually like the fact that she had to go out of her way to personally attack BOTH of us, LOL. More, please! It’ll make for great fodder on my blog.
uncle mu, what was you point? poets don’t get any shine or they are all old?
Lurker here, Obsidian was removed by a group of people that hated him: Bene, Jamila, Jasmin and Zek her boyfriend, Natasha W, Y, Islandgirl, and abagond.
All of their friends got together to do that.
These people are fine trashing anyone that disagrees with them but the moment you trash them they band together to attack you ( like they did obsidian) and make themselves look self-righteous.
If you read the hateful comments obsidian recieved from abagond’s blog and on his own old blog, you will see who got rid of him. There are also other bloggers who hate obsidian and wanted to get rid of him.
Also, there’s people on abagond’s blog including himself that use fake screennames/identities to make it look like more than one person is talking in order to gain more favor.
Just read between the lines and observe and you will see for yourself who is real and who needs 5 screennames to talk behind to “prove” their point.
Obsidian wrote an article on his old blog about Jasmin and jamila’s looks saying they are not the ideal or the accepted form of beauty that most white guys go for. Which is true.
Someone told Zek about the article and Zek got mad with obsidian, you know he wanted obsidian shut down.
They deny shutting obsidian down, i don’t know why though, because its obvious they hate him alot so why would they hide the fact that they helped get rid of his blog? To look innocent?
I think obsidian was just stating facts and making a simple point. You can’t make anyone like you and you can’t argue people into calling you pretty or being attracted to you, so just move on! Alot of blacks are beating a dead horse with the “Is I Ugly cause I Is black?” threads. Its very silly.
“IronWynch says:
November 9, 2010 at 12:17 am
Oh, and Asha, this is the internet. People routinely use pseudonyms and multiple personas, especially when they want to make it seem as if they have more support than they actually do. When someone would go as far as to report someone over a disagreement, I don’t trust that they wouldn’t resort to any kind of shady tactics.”
Exactly my point.
Some people with online race blogs also think they speak for all black people. And if you don’t fit the “criteria” for what a “real” black person’s life is like according to the person’s blog, then you’re considered as “trying hard to be different” or trying to be “an anomaly.” Pathetic.
This Obsidian fellow should just rebuild his blog and move on to new writing.
Good luck Obsidian, and IronWynch nice blog!
Maybe this is why I had the impression that the multicultish style swirlers were behind the shutdown. Now that I know which person actually succeeded, I don’t know if the others actually sent complaints to WordPress. I really hope it was none of them, and since I don’t know, I’m keeping the airwaves open to them on my sites.
They’re welcome to disagree as much as they like, so long as they keep the trust. I don’t mind an argument. I just don’t like what ought to be a debate turning into a feud where people feel it’s okay to resort to technically legal but underhanded tactics to silence their opponents.
Yes, true sometimes you never know. But if you observe and pay attention you can see.
I just keep it simple and observe the people that hate obsidian or are angry with him in some way must have complained about him. Especially those that he mentioned on his blog. Of course then their friends would defend them too, get mad and have him shut down because they’re angry.
I think people have grudges and they act upon those grudges especially to stick up for their friends online.
Obsidian should concentrate on his own interests that are positive for himself and others with his new blog.
He mentioned he likes astrology, that’s a good idea!
LOL @ AnonaMissLurker
Please, where is your evidence that I was involved in getting Obsidian shut down?
Im dying to hear this!
I have a feeling you and I have “meet” before….
Hey Nicole, Im just noticing this post so apologies for replying to it so late.
I had nothing to do with Obsidian getting shut down. You were told by “Pro” over at Essence why Obsidians blog got shut down (posting that picture after he had been told to take it down), and who it got shut down by (WP), so I don’t understand why you there would be anything else to say about this issue.
Jamila, I understand the stated why. I’m saying that’s not all there was to it. You were part of the frenzy being whipped up around Obsidian, so you can’t break out your torch, yell, and participate in the chase, but then deny any responsibility just because you personally weren’t the hangman.
Even after, you referred to Obsidian’s blog being shut down as WordPress “taking out the trash”. In the thread at Y’s, you consistently misinterpreted him and cursed him out for your misinterpretations of what he was saying. I don’t see your hands as totally clean on this one.
It wouldn’t have made any difference in the shutdown whether you agreed or disagreed with what Obsidian was saying, but at least if you hadn’t been one of the angry mob, nobody would be pointing at you as part of the problem.
Nicole, what I said in my previous post is absolutely all there was too it.
I was not part of any frenzy being whipped up around Obsidian as no such frenzy existed. I have not posted on Obsidian’s blog or read any of his posts in months. He has not been allowed to post on my blog in months either, although he has constantly referred to me and attempted to garner my attention. I thought it best to completely ignore him as I thought he was a bit mentally unstable at best and a complete nut at worst. (I’ve had previous experiences with people on the internet who turned out to be complete loons).
As far as referring to his blog as trash, it was trash IMO. His writing was convoluted, lacked cohesion, and often had no point.
There is no thread at Y’s where I have EVER referred to Obsidian. There is no thread at Zek’s, Jasmin’s (sp?) or any other blog where where I ‘misinterpreted him and cursed him out’. I have never even made a comment on the latter two blogs and never spoken to either of them online or off.
So please, explain to me when I ever got my hands dirty in this whole affair because right now you seem to have no idea what you are talking about, just following rumors and innuendo.
You know, you’re right about one thing. I got you and Jasmin confused yesterday. I’ve been working like a demon the past couple of weeks, and one of the first things to go is differentiation between haters in my memory banks.
Still, you took his concern for the issues too personally, and were in the okay-with-cyber-lynching cheering squad. Again, if you want to distinguish yourself, you should do that, and not claim to be clean when you were part of the problem.
That you’re being confused with unduly foul mouthed harpies ought to tell you something. I’m not a stick in the bum about cursing, but there’s a point. Anyway, it could be telling you that I am exhausted, but it could also be telling you that you’re blending in too well with a gaggle of nasty crazy chicks.
Obsidian wasn’t referring to you just to try to get your attention. He was trying to teach you something about men and where you may have been going wrong in your search and/or attraction. You chose to take that as “nutbar”ish…and to be honest, I’m starting to think this is what people who give a crap about women like your’s problems must be to go any further than, “Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.”
If you’re going to take a Black man caring about the women among his people getting into good, stable relationships as a sign of crazy, then you kinda don’t really deserve to get anything out of what he was posting, even if you were capable of grasping it.
I can say that my life is considerably less miserable since my confusion was cleared. Maybe someday you’ll experience that too. That’ll happen around the time you look back on the fact that one Black man was screwed in the head enough to take on your irrationality and try to help you, and feel gratitude instead of anger.
You know, you’re right about one thing. I got you and Jasmin confused yesterday. I’ve been working like a demon the past couple of weeks, and one of the first things to go is differentiation between haters in my memory banks.
Excuses, excuses. You should have just kept it short with an apology.
Still, you took his concern for the issues too personally, and were in the okay-with-cyber-lynching cheering squad.
How is ignoring somebody because you feel that they are a waste of your time “taking something too personally”? I see you are drinking the same coolaid as Obsidian that leaves people with the erroneous assumption that everybody should have time for all sorts of BS. I think the real problem here may be that I value my time more than you think I should value it.
Personally, I didn’t care about the cyber-lynching squad. When you continue to provoke people and beg them for a reaction you lose the priviledge of crying victim when they turn and react to you.
Again, if you want to distinguish yourself, you should do that, and not claim to be clean when you were part of the problem.
I have no obligation to distinguish myself from people you claim to be haters of Obsidian. The burden of proof does not fall on me to prove I’m innocent but for you to prove I’m guilty. If you don’t agree with me on this then it’s because your a hater yourself.
Pro already explained to you what happened in clear, obvious language. I can’t understand why are having so much difficulty understanding what was a very simple situation.
That you’re being confused with unduly foul mouthed harpies ought to tell you something.
It does. It tells me haters are gonna hate and the ignorant don’t readily accept the truth, which, coincidentally, are two truisms I already knew.
I’m not a stick in the bum about cursing, but there’s a point.
That’s nice. But why are you telling that to me rather than someone who actually cursed at Obsidian?
Anyway, it could be telling you that I am exhausted, but it could also be telling you that you’re blending in too well with a gaggle of nasty crazy chicks.
I’m leaning towards laziness and an unwillingness to accept what is so obviously true–Obsidian brought the erasure of his WP blog onto himself.
Obsidian wasn’t referring to you just to try to get your attention. He was trying to teach you something about men and where you may have been going wrong in your search and/or attraction.
Obsidian was most definitely trying to get my attention. Furthermore, why I would I listen to anything a man has to say when he doesn’t even comprehend when someone finds him annoying and doesn’t want to be bothered with him? Why would I get advice about men from a man who–if he approached me–I would deem unworthy of my time? Why I take advice from a man about dating and attraction when I am already considered very attractive by most men but I am not currently in the market for a relationship–crucial details that the person giving out unsolicited advice knows but chooses to willfully ignore?
Nicole, you are are so confused about this entire situation it would be comical if it wasn’t tragic.
I’m starting to think this is what people who give a crap about women like your’s problems must be to go any further than, “Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.”
I’m starting to think ignorance must be bliss.
If you’re going to take a Black man caring about the women among his people getting into good, stable relationships as a sign of crazy, then you kinda don’t really deserve to get anything out of what he was posting, even if you were capable of grasping it.
Unfortunately for you and Obsidian in my world people who give out advice must actually be deemed qualified to give it and must also have their opinion solicited. Neither one of you seems qualified so I would definitely never ask.
I can say that my life is considerably less miserable since my confusion was cleared. Maybe someday you’ll experience that too.
This is called projection: you were miserable and probably still are so you think other people me be too. I’m tired alot, so the only thing you might be able to give me advice on is how to experience more sleep.
Jamila says, “Excuses, excuses. You should have just kept it short with an apology.”
You’re in my house now.
“How is ignoring somebody because you feel that they are a waste of your time “taking something too personally”?”
Funny, you don’t seem to be doing very well at ignoring him. You’re still talking about him.
“I see you are drinking the same coolaid as Obsidian that leaves people with the erroneous assumption that everybody should have time for all sorts of BS.”
…and yet, here you are.
“I think the real problem here may be that I value my time more than you think I should value it.”
…and yet…
“Personally, I didn’t care about the cyber-lynching squad.”
…and yet, you cheered them.
“When you continue to provoke people and beg them for a reaction you lose the priviledge of crying victim when they turn and react to you.”
The same could be applied to the provokation by stupid women who run around promoting White men as an escape from the requirements of womanhood. To hold them up as saviors from reality is provoking a reaction from men…Black men whose response can be summarized as, “What, are you nuts?!?!” and White men whose response can be summarized as, “Uh…you’re out of your minds.”
That’s basically what Obsidian and Chuck and a few others have been trying to say.
You, of all people, a supposed race realist, ought to be able to get behind that.
“I have no obligation to distinguish myself from people you claim to be haters of Obsidian.”
My point is that I don’t either. If you graze with a particular herd, you can’t be too hard on people who get you mixed up.
“The burden of proof does not fall on me to prove I’m innocent but for you to prove I’m guilty.”
You are guilty of boosting people who are underhanded, dishonorable, and stupid.
“If you don’t agree with me on this then it’s because your a hater yourself.”
So anybody who doesn’t agree with you that Obsidian deserved to get cyber-lynched on the pretense of it being for doing something the vast majority of bloggers do day in and day out, is a hater?
…and nobody it supposed to think you’re being irrational.
I get it. Whatever Jamila wants is perfectly good and rational, and if someone else’s rights or needs get in the way of what Jamila wants, then they’re a hater, a nutbar, whatever.
Nice to know. Now I don’t need to even pretend to take you seriously.
“Pro already explained to you what happened in clear, obvious language. I can’t understand why are having so much difficulty understanding what was a very simple situation.”
Underhanded, dishonest people who get caught being underhanded and dishonest lose the privilege of being trusted and taken at face value. I don’t think this was about copyright, as if it were, they’d have gone after Google. This would be much more lucrative and actually make more sense if someone was indeed worried about their photos proliferating around the internet.
Actually, if I were a Google mod and reading about any of this, nobody would be able to find Bene Viera’s anything on the internet without a direct link from a manually updated website, or her paying for it.
You apparently don’t know how the internet works either. If someone is uptight about their images being used for reference, and starts going after people for it, they disappear. Nobody will want to deal with them because they are a kook. Pro might as well have announced to the world that he doesn’t want anybody to know who he or Bene Viera is.
…and you’re the idiot cheering the idiot just because the idiocy happened to harm someone who said things that were inconvenient to your ego.
“I’m leaning towards laziness and an unwillingness to accept what is so obviously true–Obsidian brought the erasure of his WP blog onto himself.”
In a way, yes…In the same way that anyone who says things inconvenient to certain people’s egos who allows them to have any power over them, brings the wrath of idiots onto themselves.
This is why I roll my own. 😉
So yes, you’ve taught him a lesson…that a White man can post that a woman being Black is a tell for being a slut and have multiple photos posted without people’s permission, but if a Black man writes that Black women should be careful of White men because some of them believe that, and has one photo posted for reference, then his blog needs to die.
Got it. It’s Pro, Bene, Jamila, Jasmine, and Natasha world where anything is acceptable behavior so long as it doesn’t step on your toes, but where you’re too wuss to go after the big boys with more of a following or more corporate backing, so the easy targets are better…and then cheered and bragged about later.
Why were you bragging on something and then not wanting to claim any responsibility for? Doesn’t make any sense…but then very little makes any sense in Jamila world.
You’re in my house now.
And your point is what? That this is the land where ignorance reigns so I should leave before some of it rubs off on me?
Funny, you don’t seem to be doing very well at ignoring him. You’re still talking about him.
Lets get the facts straight.
1. You brought my name up, I did not bring up yours or Obsidians in this thread.
3. You made multiple incorrect statements about me but instead of having some class and enough decency to just say that you were wrong you insist on trying to give excuses for being in error.
4. If you didn not want me to address you or to bring up Obsidians name you SHOULD NOT HAVE ASKED ME TO ADDRESS YOU CONCERNING OBSIDIAN AND HIS WP BLOG ERASURE.
Don’t put my name in stuff and then pretend to play stupid when I address you about it.
…and yet, here you are.
Don’t worry. I get tired of addressing ignorant people soon enough. Ask Obsidian about that. You’re about to reach the same point.
“Personally, I didn’t care about the cyber-lynching squad.”
…and yet, you cheered them.
Reading is truly fundamental Nicole. Truly. I have not cheered on any cyber-lynching squad–another bit of info that you created out of thin air. I’ll give you credit though: your imagination is very vivid.
Why don’t you link to ANY post ANYWHERE on the web where I have cheered on any cyber-lyching squad? Go on, I’ll wait.
Personally, I’m still wondering who the cyber-lynching squad is, since the only people who ever might have been considered to have ‘lynched’ Obsidian are those whose attention he attempted to garner by making inflammatory posts designed to-gasp!-garner their attention.
I believe it was Maya Angelou who said that when we ask for something we should be prepared to receive it.
The same could be applied to the provokation by stupid women who run around promoting White men as an escape from the requirements of womanhood.
Exactly who are these women? What requirements of womanhood? Who came up with said requirements of womanhood? Are they the same people who came up with the ‘itty-bitty-titty’ committee? I’m just dying to meet them!
That’s basically what Obsidian and Chuck and a few others have been trying to say.
You can barely speak truthfully about me and what you THINK I may have or may not have said or did. I wouldn’t touch/trust your observations of other people with a ten foot pole.
You, of all people, a supposed race realist, ought to be able to get behind that.
*sigh* More claptrap. When I have I ever referred to myself as being a race realist?
“I have no obligation to distinguish myself from people you claim to be haters of Obsidian.”
My point is that I don’t either.
Great! Then extend that same curtesy to other people and don’t bring my name up unless you intend to speak truthfully.
If you graze with a particular herd, you can’t be too hard on people who get you mixed up.
When I offer someone the truth and they choose to continue spouting lies…well, I led you to the water, I can’t make you drink.
You are guilty of boosting people who are underhanded, dishonorable, and stupid.
A claim you still have not been able to provide any proof of, because you can’t. I think that makes you underhanded, dishonorable, and stupid. Besides being a hater.
So anybody who doesn’t agree with you that Obsidian deserved to get cyber-lynched on the pretense of it being for doing something the vast majority of bloggers do day in and day out, is a hater?
No, anybody who makes claims that are then either proven to be false or, that they can’t find any evidence to substantiate, yet they continue to repeat said claims anyway, as if the truth is a virus they don’t want to catch is indeed a hater.
I get it. Whatever Jamila wants is perfectly good and rational, and if someone else’s rights or needs get in the way of what Jamila wants, then they’re a hater, a nutbar, whatever.
No you don’t get it, but hopefully someday you will.
Underhanded, dishonest people who get caught being underhanded and dishonest lose the privilege of being trusted and taken at face value.
Pot, met kettle. Where did Pro get caught being underhanded and dishonest? It didn’t happen.
I don’t think this was about copyright, as if it were, they’d have gone after Google.
You should stick to hairbraiding as your knowledge of copyright law can’t even be considered at the infantile stage. Copyrighted material can indeed be placed on the internet, if it is being used within the bounds of copyright law.
This would be much more lucrative and actually make more sense if someone was indeed worried about their photos proliferating around the internet.
Earth to Nicole. Ms. Viera and Pro WERE worried about that photo proliferating on the internet in association with Obsidian’s derogatory writings. Sometimes it’s not about the money, its about the principle, something you would know if you had any.
Actually, if I were a Google mod and reading about any of this, nobody would be able to find Bene Viera’s anything on the internet without a direct link from a manually updated website, or her paying for it.
And you are not a google mod. I’m sure they have high qualifications regarding impartiality for a job like that.
You apparently don’t know how the internet works either. If someone is uptight about their images being used for reference, and starts going after people for it, they disappear.
You’re ignorance at this point is offensive. The internet is FILLED with copyrighted material; with people logging on and downloading material across millions of sites you cannot possible track all copyrighted material everywhere on the internet. When someone finds their material on the internet and they have not given permission for it to be used in a certain manner then they can go about getting it removed from that site or sue the person who is improperly using their material. Due to the nature of the internet (there are just too many people and too much material to monitor) most of the copyrighted stuff stays up unless it gets brought to the attention of someone who wants it taken down.
WP took down the picture and informed Obsidian of the problem. The case could have been closed right then and there. No one would have even known why it had been taken down. Instead Obsidian chose to try his luck with WP and put the pic back up again. He tried his luck and he lost. This is what Obsidian said and this is what Pro said.
Nobody will want to deal with them because they are a kook. Pro might as well have announced to the world that he doesn’t want anybody to know who he or Bene Viera is.
Let me school you a bit on public relations. A writer or any other artist who is trying to get as famous as possible must practice image control–who you are seen with and what you are seen doing can cost you thousands if not millions of dollars if you are not seen in the best light. I highly doubt that having her picture on Obsidian’s site would have helped Viera’s image. If if would have then they wouldn’t have asked WP to take it down.
…and you’re the idiot cheering the idiot just because the idiocy happened to harm someone who said things that were inconvenient to your ego.
And now I’m the idiot who is talking to the idiot who is trying to defend the other idiot. Having to explain this much to you is making my head hurt.
In the same way that anyone who says things inconvenient to certain people’s egos who allows them to have any power over them, brings the wrath of idiots onto themselves.
If you are stupid enough to say things that are inconvenient to people who have power over you then you deserve exactly what you get. If you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen.
This is why I roll my own.
I was always told that girls who don’t have girl friends normally have mental issues or a major personality defect.
So yes, you’ve taught him a lesson…that a White man can post that a woman being Black is a tell for being a slut..
Are you talking about Roissy’s? Where you are a frequent commentator who has been known to hate on skinny chicks like Anoukange?
…but if a Black man writes that Black women should be careful of White men because some of them believe that, and has one photo posted for reference, then his blog needs to die.
You’re so dramatic. Did the same black man write that black women should also be careful of black men because the vast majority of black women that are raped are raped by black men? Oh no, he probably forgot that stat in his rush to post.
And once again, I NEVER told Obsidian or you, or anybody else, that his blog deserved to die. Get a grip woman!
I think your grip on reality is tenous and your grasp of the truth is completely absent. You were right: you are a waste of my time as far as this particular issue is concerned.
If you have anything further to say about this issue you can shoot me a private email. Otherwise, until you stop lying about me saying I said and did things that I did not say and do then this conversation is done.
Jamila, did you, or did you not make this post:
Evil twin?
Not gonna fly in my house.
“I was always told that girls who don’t have girl friends normally have mental issues or a major personality defect.”
I do have female friends. I just don’t have any female friends who are idiotic harpies.
You can school me on PR when any of your sites are in the top 3 of any popular keyword, and you’re making a living from them. Until then, like I told Pro, you can’t tell me jack about how the internet works. I’ve been doing this likely since before you could find your power button.
People worried about image control and proliferation don’t go after relatively small time bloggers. They go after the big guys who are responsible for pushing material into the implied public domain. Only people who want to thought police use such petty and selective application of copyright law to go after bloggers.
Being honorable and being litigious are two different things. Of course, in Jamila world, they are when someone is cleaning the “toilet bowl”, which is where you assign guys who are trying to enlighten your ungrateful arse.
Don’t worry though. I am kind of on your side. I don’t think guys should ever tell you that you’re doing anything wrong or approaching anything with the wrong attitude. I am a strong believer in the Creator making the universe exactly as it should be. Some have the mind to improve themselves and their situation, and some don’t. At the point that someone shows that they don’t, I say let life teach them what I can’t.
If you are strong enough, you’ll figure it out. At the moment though, you’re weaksauce who can’t tell the difference between honorable and legal.
Oh, and another thing. I’m not falling for the “private” email trap. People like you who don’t know the meaning of honor also don’t know the meaning of private, or the difference between disagreement and harassment.
See how that trust thing works? When you break it or pat people on the back for breaking it, people don’t trust you.
Maybe this is why my female friends are relatively few. Too many women don’t get the trust thing.
I’m sorry to see my fellow blogger Obsidian’s website being taken down by intolerant sistas. Obsidian has as much right to criticize the foibles of us sistas and I wonder why Roissy’s site isn’t taken down. That guy says far more hateful things about sistas but not one sellout sista had anything to criticize Roissy for his hateful behavior and yet this upstanding brotha’s crime is to criticize our entitlment attitudes and outlook in life.
While Obsidian is reorganizing his website, I want you to come visit my fellow brotha blogger Mr. Laurelton Queens at:
He survived many attempts by overly entitled sistas to ban his website. I hope Obsidian gets his blog up and running by January. For now, enjoy visiting my fellow blogger’s website and I hope you post some of your views there. I’m looking forward to having you there.
La Reyna
la Renya That guy says far more hateful things about sistas but not one sellout sista had anything to criticize Roissy for his hateful behavior and yet this upstanding brotha’s crime is to criticize our entitlment attitudes and outlook in life.
well I guess I’m not a sellout sista but I’ve certainly criticized Roissy. check out his how to tell whose a slut post. He and I went at it quite a bit.
Ironwynch, I was told by a friend that a commenter named Natasha W threatened blogger Chuck of gucci little piggy telling him she had 10 people that would have wordpress shut his site down. I told my friend to tell that guy he should report that to wordpress. If these people are going to go around making up stories to get people’s sites shut down, wordpress should know ahead of time. Natasha W was on Chuck’s post about obsidian’s banning and removal, accusing him of things just like obsidian was accused. This was about a group of angry black women taking out their anger on obsidian because their friends were being talked about. Not about copyright. Copyright was used as the excuse to cover the real reason obsidian was attacked. These people are just that petty, that’s why you don’t have many female friends, you don’t put up with the banal crap. I don’t blame you for not wanting to put up with catty nonsense. Out with the old and in with the new! Happy New Year girl!
Hi Nicole,
Just wanted you to know that I’m back in business:
And that I deeply thank you for you being a stand up lady. I’ll have more, much, much more, to say about Ms. Viera and Mr. Jones very soon. Stay tuned…
Hey! It’s good to see you’re back. 🙂 I’ve been kind of off and on lately because I’ve been focussed on my craft business. I decided to bust out and go really *really* old school all out in public instead of just secretly selling my wares to stores.
My parents are now giving me the silent treatment, but I have faith that these two former Black militants will re-Africanize soon and either become Gnostic, Jewish, esoteric Muslim, or Ifa. They’re probably praying for me as we speak, and I’m sure that the more they do, the closer they’ll be to ditching the synthetic Santa Claus religion.
I look forward to what you have to say about the Triflin’ Two. I’m also giving some thought to why smart people have so much trouble getting together. I have some ideas, and am currently putting some of those theories to the test.
Hi Nicole,
Thank you! It feels good to be back, and looking forward to making my blog bigger and better than it originally was before.
Also, best of luck to you in your business endeavors. Please continue to keep us all posted as to how you’re doing.
And yes, by all means I would be very interested in hearing what you have to say about the post in question over at my blog. Of course, I’d like you to be one of my regular guest bloggers, too.
Anyway, please don’t be a stranger and thanks so much for all your support!
Hi Nicole,
I thought you might like to know:
Things have come Full Circle…
An Open Letter To Timothy “Prolific” Jones: The Sistahood’s Whiteknight, Or Useful Idiot?
Spread the word…