Thank you, Tunacrab 🙂

It’s good to get positive feedback. Women have to speak up about this so that other women feel free to express their true feelings about what’s really going on in their lives.

Secularism has been a great benefit to western society, but feminism is as much a step back as racism in both its anti nationalist and its denial multicult forms. Feminism and the multicult are just covers for de facto male slavery and minority (specifically immigrant) slavery acceptance.

I’m not sure if they’re doing it consciously or they’re compelled by blind greed, but the big money in the western world is doing the equivalent of owners of giant plantations, destabilizing the family and rendering men little more than slaves to pay taxes and keep the machine running.

They’re not going to check themselves since what they’re doing is still putting more money in their pockets. The people have to make it unprofitable for them before they’ll listen. Since people can get used to just about anything if they’re convinced it’s for the “greater good”, the people need to be informed that there is no light at the end of the rainbow. Human nature is not going to change, and a reasonable government that wants to have a truly strong nation has to take this into account.

Humans are not insects. The human male is not going to happily morph into a drone. Human females can’t do the equivalent of laying eggs and leaving them to incubate in daycare while they drone, and be happy with the kind of offspring that is “nurtured” in a baby jail either.