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Haven’t Seen It Yet but There Is Already Drama Around The Woman King

Female King Reviews The Woman King

Looking at the arguments, I think some compassion is needed from both sides of this. First, because colonialism and the slave trade harmed and is still harming Africans both in Africa and the diaspora. Second, because we should not perpetuate that suffering through over entitlement and over individualism leading to myopic views of history and…

The Riot of Bamber Bridge (1943) •

The US Armed Forces were segregated until President Harry Truman issued Executive Order 9981 on July 26, 1948 which desegregated all the military service branches. That segregation during World War II helped create the Riot of Bamber Bridge in Great Britain in 1943. When US forces were sent to Britain that year black soldiers were…

Historical, Mythological & Social Origins of the Satanic Panic and How it Nearly Destroyed My Life – YouTube

[embed][/embed] Starting in the early 1980’s the Satanic Panic ignited in the United States before spreading through the world. Here law enforcement, psychiatrists, social workers and occult ‘experts’ uncovered a vast satanic conspiracy which predated upon children at daycares, infiltrated heavy metal music, lured in teenagers through Dungeons and Dragons all organized by a grand…

No. 385: African Steel Making

But carbon steel had been made long before either Kelly or Bessemer. One of the oldest and most sophisticated methods was that of the Haya people. They’re an African tribe in what is Tanzania today. The Hayas produced high-grade carbon steel for about 2000 years.The Hayas made their steel in a kiln shaped like a…

Meet The Real God of The Bible | Francesca Stavrakopoulou PhD – YouTube

[embed][/embed] The scholarship of theology and religion teaches us that the God of the Bible was without a body, only revealing himself in the Old Testament in words mysteriously uttered through his prophets, and in the New Testament in the body of Christ. The portrayal of God as corporeal and masculine is seen as merely…

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