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What Does a Black Ring Mean?

Black ring with dark star ruby

[caption id="attachment_1676" align="alignleft" width="278"] Freak but handle with care…[/caption] [sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Black rings are starting to catch on this side of the pond.  People can wear whatever they like and make it mean whatever they want it to.  Still, there are some guidelines from trend-setting areas of the world, and well established jewelry and…

ARTICLES | Advances in Physiology Education

there are marked differences between men and women in the incidence and expression of many major disease entities (8, 9). These sex-based1 differences in the pathophysiology of disease imply, in turn, that there are important underlying differences in physiological function. Despite the importance of this topic, sex-based differences in physiology are typically not systematically addressed…

On a Pedestal

Men who put women on a pedestal don’t see the whole woman.   It’s bad enough when an individual man does this with women (like the mangina type of male feminist) or individual women (the average cuckold type).  Feminationalists do this with whole races of women, fetishizing them into some bloc of beings who are exempt…

Anti Menstruation Propaganda is Still Out There

Some of you young folks who were born in the late 80’s and 90’s don’t know what it was like to grow up with feminism since the 70’s.  A lot of articles and studies were published in the 60’s that seemed to prove without a doubt that there was no major biological or psychological difference…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D