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We Are Not Friends

[sc name="voicemaschi" ][/sc]We are not friends if I can’t trust you while I am awake or asleep, present or absent, strong or weak. We are not friends if the magnetic north of your moral compass is more dependent on the letter of the law or worse, the whims of politicians and law enforcement officers, than…

This Old Warrior’s Standards

[sc name="responsivevoice" ] It is something all children of Oya, especially if you are intersex, nonbinary, or otherwise variable in gender, have to cope with if we survive long enough. Since there aren’t many elders left to discuss these things in English out in public, and more people are Vodun or at least Yoruba pantheon…

Primal (and Other Freak) Relationships: Living the Dream

[caption id="attachment_2225" align="alignright" width="300"] Diva’s Wolfie[/caption] [sc name="responsivevoice" ]Recently, I became aware that among other things the older generation failed to tell the younger, few are telling the masculine that they are excess. Nature has provided many, many more penetrators than are needed to keep their counterparts happy, and fewer penetratees than would keep penetrators…

You F***ed Up. Now What? Repairing a Primal Relationship

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]We all make mistakes. None of us comes to any kind of relationship without some baggage or prejudices based on ignorance or faulty information. These days when people are already walking on eggshells in conventional relationships, a Primal situation can seem a nightmare. Even worse, it is the best sex you will ever…

Mistressing Your Emotions Part 1: Water

Diva and Oshun Kineret

[caption id="attachment_2173" align="alignleft" width="169"] Diva at the Kineret[/caption] Spiritual counseling has afforded me the opportunity to talk to many people having emotional problems. Most people who come to me are the usual laypersons in need of spiritual services that involve maintenance or problem solving of the sort of dealing with external threats or proactive protection.…

My Truest knight: What I Learned About Dating a Younger Man

On September 1, 2018 a bit of sunshine left this Earth. He was affectionately known by myself and some others in the BDSM community as knight. There may be many across the internet with knight in their usernames, but this is THE knight. Once someone encountered him anywhere, nobody else quite lived up to the…

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