Just Sick
A couple of nights ago, Hannibal came to visit. He staggered in and fell onto my bed looking like death warmed over. Well, more than usual. He normally looks like someone who would play some sort of demonic, horned, scythe weilding bad ass, if he were an actor. His usual near phosophorescent glow had been…
Not Gon’ Be Able to Do It
Okay, I tried to break my no backtracking policy, but I can’t. It’s not so much about the policy as it is the why. Hannibal isn’t reaching the minimum bar for what I require in a bitch, much less a secondary partner, so it’s all just moot. He’s one of those guys I’ll admire from…
Everybody Loves Raymond’s Wife
Did you ever notice that even though Raymond, his wife, and their mothers were (at least before graying) brunettes, but all three of his kids are supposedly natural blondes? I wonder what the writers of the show are implying?
Hannibal Rising
Okay, it’s not another day, but here’s the story. Slick has earned it. Some things have happened that have made him stronger, and he’s handling things like he should have years ago. Even back then, he earned his stripes by not treating me like a dirty secret. He accused me of being obsessed for wanting…