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Interlude: Gutenberg Moves Fast – Half-Elf on Tech

I really love Gutenberg. I’m not kidding! I find it far more enjoyable to write (stories) in plain apps (I used Apple Pages because it syncs between laptop and iPad, yes, I am often using my iPad to write my novel, yes, I will let the world know when it’s done). But when I write…

Join my Ko-fi and Get Free Stuff

Welp. The owners of the apartment we’re in are going to tear the building down and rebuild it, so we’re moving in a year. So everything must go. Anybody who joins my Ko-fi at the $50 level is going to get free stuff. Tell me what manner of ATR adherent or adjacent and/or witch you…

Meta’s LLaMa 2 license is not Open Source – Voices of Open Source

OSI is pleased to see that Meta is lowering barriers for access to powerful AI systems, but unfortunately, Meta has created the misunderstanding that LLaMa 2 is “open source” – it is not. Even assuming the term can be validly applied to a large language model comprising several resources of different kinds, Meta is confusing…

Transgender Pakistanis: The Open Secret | Real Stories

[embed][/embed] Transgender Pakistanis: The Open Secret | Real Stories Flamboyant, colourful and eccentric, many among Pakistan’s marginalised transgender community scrape a living through dancing, singing and begging on the streets of the country’s economic capital, Karachi. Many others, though, earn money catering for the sexual needs of local men in the city’s seedier districts. Investigating…

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