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Dancing Clouds

Dancing Clouds, an image of three women made of clouds dancing in the clouds together.

This digital painting I did because of a #MastodonArt prompt on the 19th. One of the inspiration photos was a grouping of clouds that to me, seemed a little like they were dancing together. So I started messing around in Corel, and this is what came out. I hope this image gives you some joy.…

Anjan Chatterjee talks about the neurology of creativity.

Have you ever had the experience of being so absorbed by a painting or a piece of music,” writes Anjan Chatterjee in his 2013 book The Aesthetic Brain, “that you lose all sense of space and time? These magical moments … are ironically deeply subjective. The problem, of course, is that science demands some objectivity.”…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D