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Human Rights Commissioner troubled by end of mask mandates in healthcare settings – BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner

Vancouver B.C. – On April 12, 2023, B.C.’s Human Rights Commissioner Kasari Govender released the following statement on the recent announcement that universal mask mandates in healthcare settings would be eliminated. “As mask restrictions have been lifted in B.C., I have repeatedly expressed concerns about the human rights implications of these policy decisions: that the…

Pragmatica-Lung Study opens for patient enrollment – NCI

The National Cancer Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has helped launch a phase 3 randomized clinical trial (NCT05633602) of a two-drug combination to treat patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Called the Pragmatica-Lung Study (or S2302), this is one of the first NCI-supported clinical trials to use a trial…

Risk of Protection Failure with Certain O&M Halyard Surgical N95 Respirators, Surgical Masks, and Pediatric Face Masks: FDA Safety Communication | FDA

Date Issued: April 12, 2023 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is recommending consumers, health care providers, and facilities to not use certain surgical N95 respirators manufactured by O&M Halyard, and to use caution with certain surgical masks and pediatric face masks manufactured by O&M Halyard. The FDA is aware of laboratory test results…

Kashyap Patel, MD, Sees Link Between COVID-19 and Cancer Progression, Calls for More Biomarker Testing

Kashyap Patel, MD, CEO of Carolina Blood and Cancer Care Associates, sees something different in his practice since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic—not just with cancer care, but with cancer itself. Since March 2020, the longtime community oncologist has seen multiple patients in his Rock Hill, South Carolina, based-clinic with cholangiocarcinoma, and these patients…

People living with long COVID explain how the disease changed their lives

[embed][/embed] The specter of long COVID, with its mysterious cause, no obvious cure and an unknown duration, haunts millions and millions of people. In this report, we hear from some of those who are suffering with it and Wiliam Brangham speaks with Dr. David Putrino of Mount Sinai Health in New York about the varied…

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