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“Not in Our Name”: 400 Arrested at Jewish-Led Sit-in at NYC’s Grand Central Demanding Gaza Ceasefire – YouTube

We bring you the voices of Jewish Voice for Peace and their allies who shut down the main terminal of Grand Central Station during rush hour Friday in one of New York’s largest acts of civil disobedience in 20 years to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. The multiracial, intergenerational movement says about 400 people were arrested, including rabbis, famous actors and elected officials from the New York State Assembly and Senate and the City Council.

Protect Your Child from COVID-19, the Flu, and Other Illnesses | CDC

What You Need to Know During the school year, kids tend to get sick more often — and spread germs to their friends and classmates. COVID-19 can cause serious health problems, so it’s more important than ever to protect your child’s health. You can help your child stay healthy and protect the people around them…

NIH study identifies features of Long COVID neurological symptoms | National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Twelve people with persistent neurological symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection were intensely studied at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and were found to have differences in their immune cell profiles and autonomic dysfunction. These data inform future studies to help explain persistent neurological symptoms in Long COVID. The findings, published in Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation(link…

Human Rights Commissioner troubled by end of mask mandates in healthcare settings – BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner

Vancouver B.C. – On April 12, 2023, B.C.’s Human Rights Commissioner Kasari Govender released the following statement on the recent announcement that universal mask mandates in healthcare settings would be eliminated. “As mask restrictions have been lifted in B.C., I have repeatedly expressed concerns about the human rights implications of these policy decisions: that the…

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