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Risk of Protection Failure with Certain O&M Halyard Surgical N95 Respirators, Surgical Masks, and Pediatric Face Masks: FDA Safety Communication | FDA

Date Issued: April 12, 2023 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is recommending consumers, health care providers, and facilities to not use certain surgical N95 respirators manufactured by O&M Halyard, and to use caution with certain surgical masks and pediatric face masks manufactured by O&M Halyard. The FDA is aware of laboratory test results…

It’s Time to Wear a Mask Again, Health Experts Say

Masks are back, and, this time, they’re not just for COVID-19. A “tripledemic” of the coronavirus, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus, known as RSV, sweeping through the United States has prompted several cities and counties, including New York City and Los Angeles County, to encourage people to wear a mask in indoor public spaces once…

Lower empathy partially explains why political conservatism is associated with riskier pandemic lifestyles

New research helps to explain the association between political conservatism and riskier pandemic lifestyles. According to new research published in Discover Social Science and Health, political conservatives tend to be less empathetic, hold more authoritarian beliefs, and feel less threatened by the pandemic, which in turn is associated with reduced adherence to COVID-19 health recommendations.…

Cloth Masks Work Better Than Valves in Scientific Visualizations/Simulations

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]  Siddhartha Vermaa),  Manhar Dhanakb), and John Frankenfieldc) have published simulations that suggest that cloth masks work a lot better than masks with valves at preventing the spread of Covid-19 and other viruses. Whether or not this works the same in real life, it is something to consider when choosing what to use.…

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