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Orisha Sign Language

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Orisha Sign Language from IronWynch Peertube

About hand signs and gestures used in African spirituality, and how disability is viewed. Did you know that some deities and honored ancestors and spirits’ personifications are disabled? The ideas and ideals are different from what most people are used to seeing. Watch and learn more. (The captions are auto generated. I will edit them when I have the chance.) Blessings and Ashe!

[embed][/embed] Visit my PeerTube!  

The TERF AI App That Uses Modern Pseudoscience

The TERF AI App That Uses Modern Pseudoscience

[embed][/embed] What happens when capitalism, AI, and gender-critical transphobia meet? You get a TERF app. And it’s… also racist?

What if The Universe Started With a Dark Big Bang? : ScienceAlert

The Big Bang may have not been alone.
What if The Universe Started With a Dark Big Bang? : ScienceAlert by Universe TodayUniverse Today from ScienceAlert

The Big Bang may have not been alone.

The appearance of all the particles and radiation in the universe may have been joined by another Big Bang that flooded our universe with dark matter particles. And we may be able to detect it. [embed][/embed] Source: What if The Universe Started With a Dark Big Bang? : ScienceAlert

How AI Trains Humans on Transphobia

How AI Trains Humans on Transphobia
How AI Trains Humans on Transphobia from YouTube

What happens when capitalism, AI and gender-critical transphobia meet? You get a TERF app. And it’s… also racist?

Sign up for our “Identiteaze” Kickstarter pre-launch at What happens when capitalism, AI and gender-critical transphobia meet? You get a TERF app. And it’s… also racist? SUPPORT Patreon: PayPal:

Bing’s ‘unhinged’ chatbot says it wants nuclear secrets | NewsNation Prime

chatbot says it wants nuclear secrets
Bing’s ‘unhinged’ chatbot says it wants nuclear secrets | NewsNation Prime from YouTube

Microsoft’s Bing chatbot has raised concerns after the AI sent alarming messages, including declaring its desire to be alive, its love for the user and even …

[embed][/embed] Microsoft’s Bing chatbot has raised concerns after the AI sent alarming messages, including declaring its desire to be alive, its love for the user and even its desire to obtain nuclear codes. Simon Willison, independent researcher and developer, joins “NewsNation Prime” to discuss what threat this technology could pose.

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