Short Note: The Missing Nazi Link is David Childress

Head in the Galaxy by Nicole T. Lasher

The whole nazi talking points infiltrating the African spirituality community was a bit perplexing to me. Both in terms of how these people seemed at all credible to people aware enough to know of me, and spiritually, how so much Christos could wriggle in and nest itself among so much Thoth and Orumila was just…


 [sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Click the image to enlarge. For this drawing, I fed Dawn prompts for what representations of Neith look like. Usually when describing a Goddess one gets very “ideal” figures. However, for some unknown reason, more than once, the figures were not what someone with an ableist eye would view as “ideal” or…

Defining Moment

Well, it looks like our little ile has encountered one of those situations wherein prescribed ebbo must be made for the Iyami Aje, since we are mostly witches. According to the Obi, ideally we should do it ourselves, but I’m not sure our members are really ready for it. We will need to humanely dispatch:…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D