Experts share their advice for supporting children’s mental health in this transitional time.
Source: 5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids With Reemergence Anxiety | HuffPost Life
[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc]The humans behind the headlines: I have a friend in South Carolina who has anxiety about going grocery shopping because of the possibility of a copycat mass shooter. Churches are bringing back the armed and/or martial artist usher. Nothing really changed. The mass shooter of today is just the angry entitled of yesterday.…
Experts share their advice for supporting children’s mental health in this transitional time.
Source: 5 Ways Parents Can Help Their Kids With Reemergence Anxiety | HuffPost Life
[caption id="attachment_2173" align="alignleft" width="169"] Diva at the Kineret[/caption] Spiritual counseling has afforded me the opportunity to talk to many people having emotional problems. Most people who come to me are the usual laypersons in need of spiritual services that involve maintenance or problem solving of the sort of dealing with external threats or proactive protection.…