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My Truest knight: What I Learned About Dating a Younger Man

On September 1, 2018 a bit of sunshine left this Earth. He was affectionately known by myself and some others in the BDSM community as knight. There may be many across the internet with knight in their usernames, but this is THE knight. Once someone encountered him anywhere, nobody else quite lived up to the…

Primal Fetish Relationships: Predator, Mate, and Prey

[caption id="attachment_2037" align="alignleft" width="169"] Primal Friends[/caption] [sc name="responsivevoice" ]As the Primal “fetish” community grows, I am noticing a rather disturbing trend to oversimplify our relationships to Predator vs. prey.  It’s like people are trying so hard to fit us into conventional BDSM boxes. Prey is what you eat or farm to consume.  Some like to…

The BDSM origins of “Yes Means Yes”

The elaborate rules and rituals that permeate the BDSM subculture, which definitely involves the active and ongoing seeking of consent of its largely submissive and female participants on the part of its largely dominant and male participants during a sexual encounter or session, is something that, in theory, everyone could benefit from. Of all the…

The Pegging Circle Jerk on Reddit

Floggers and Rope

[caption id="attachment_942" align="alignleft" width="204"] A little reminder who you’re calling a prude.[/caption] Well, I noticed that my pegging article was receiving a lot of traffic, and decided to see where it was coming from.  Mostly, it’s from Reddit.  It inspired a circle jerk of very confused illiterates who can’t tell the difference between someone being…

The Black Dominatrix: Empowering or Not?

Sometimes things that seem empowering because “everyone” says they should be, turn out to be very disempowering. For a woman to dominate a man from time to time is natural, and when natural, empowering for them both.  The woman gets to act out her nature without hiding, and the man gets to admire a woman…

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