
Lip Reading Mask by FaceMasksRUs on Etsy

[responsivevoice_button] I’ve built a new site at for information on adaptive and alternative personal protection equipment and pandemic survival in plain language. I noticed that the needs of people with disabilities and special issues were getting left out of the design decisions, production, and policy discussions except to say we’re exempt. Just because we’re…

The Basics: How to Survive Pandemics (Or Increase Your Chances Anyway)

[responsivevoice_button]  Here are the raw basic rules for surviving a pandemic. I will expand on these more in future articles. If possible, be prepared before it starts. Pandemics will happen every few years. Even if the government or medical establishment decides to cover it up, you know there is one when more than maybe three…

A No Sew, No Fog Mask Made With a Scarf and a Sanitary Napkin

No Sew No Fog Mask

[responsivevoice_button] I’ve posted this on my Facebook and Instagram already, but I’m posting it here to provide a bit more information. For the record, I did not invent the idea to use a sanitary napkin as a filter and moisture collector. It is something that was done by some in Africa during the Ebola crisis.…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D