Morbid Greeting Card or Built In Halo, 2 Versions

Morbid Greeting Card, a woman with a very big afto with a halo around it sits with her hands hovering above a stylized skull on a stand with purple cloth draped around it. She has a black bird, something between a crow and a guinea fowl sitting on her head. The style is reminiscent of church icons.

This is another image I stumbled into with Dawn Ai R.I.P. while we negotiated through prompts to get a different result. Some of the things they’d come up with along the way weren’t what I was aiming for at the time, but they were interesting enough that I figured I could do something with them…

Rest in Power Caress. Fuck Covid-19!


On January 25, 2021, my cousin Caress was taken by Covid-19. I have a big family, blood and spirit, and statistically it was inevitable that she would take one of us. She hit a few of us. Caress was only 34 years old. [embed][/embed] …

Goodbye Uncle Fester

Murcof Maiz

[responsivevoice_button] It has taken me awhile to sit down and write about it. On June 18 or 19, it was unclear from the posts by mutual friends, the man I once affectionately nicknamed Fester committed suicide by jumping from a window. This makes him the fifth man to die violently after hurting me intimately; the…


[sc name="responsivevoice" ] There is a lot I’ve avoided writing about in the name of not showing anyone where my heart is. I write a lot about romantic/sexual relationships as if they are so important. They are kind of important in terms of being a basis of society, but to me, in and of themselves,…

Collateral Damages? Nope.

I didn’t get a chance to talk to Grievous again yesterday, but I did talk to others who knew him.  It’s unclear what his feelings about me were at the time Shanti died.  According to Fender and friends, he asked about me a lot.  Fender was very annoyed by this while we were together, and made…

Shanti R.I.P.

Purple Candles

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]I just found out last night that a friend (with benefits back when I didn’t know that “free love” meant guilt free use) of mine who “fell off the grid” after I woke up, didn’t go to India.  That was something he just told me so that I wouldn’t worry about him when he…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D