How White is Homegenizing Heathenry

…identifying as “white” strips us of our heritage. By calling yourself white, and setting yourself against, or at least apart from, anyone not white, you’re unilaterally expanding your tribe to encompass anyone who looks like you. You end up trading the security of tradition, for mewling masses who do not share those bonds of tradition.…

Re: Diversity | Thulean Perspective

Excerpt from the post: Their and our characteristics are different from each other, just like we are physically different from them; they too have hair, but our hair is different from theirs; they too have eyes, but our eyes are different from theirs; they too have skin, but our skin is different from theirs. This…

Case in point: Naive Illiterate “White nationalist”

Update 2014: Since this post, I have learned that the “Chateau Heartiste” is a wannabe “white” nationalist blog, and anything I ever said there against the doomed omega strain of poserism rampant there was unwanted, wasted words. If you are a male of European ancestry who sees your culture dying, and want a seat on…

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