The Platform Excuse

[sc name="responsivevoice" ] I’ve recently gone “eggs as needed” with Facebook. As a webmatron these days it’s impossible to completely disconnect from them since they own so many of the resources most people on the internet rely on. However, I can so what many who are forced to live with psychos do and minimize contact as…

Coronavirus: Buying PPE online for care sector ‘like the Wild West’ – BBC News

From personal care to meal preparation, every day many thousands of vulnerable people depend on receiving care in their own homes.Often it is provided by domiciliary carers from private companies who make several visits a day, but with personal protective equipment (PPE) stocks stretched, some agencies have been turning to online suppliers.One care company says it paid £60,000 up front for PPE, but “the stock never came”.Meanwhile, a health trust said it had seen prices rise in what it calls “blatant profiteering”.

Source: Coronavirus: Buying PPE online for care sector ‘like the Wild West’ – BBC News

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D