Good Enough Yet?

Yesterday, I actually found myself sitting in my livingroom with Wizard, GothicAnne, and whodathunkit Vegeta. Yeah. …only now, he’s hit the Moroccan wall.  No more Gay porn ad cutie.  He’s now a big hairy normal guy.  No wait, a big, hairy normal guy with a lisp and t-rex hands.  How the mighty have fallen in…

SMS Slam of the Day: Confidence

Him: :: blank sms :: Me: :: no answer :: Him: Faded away? Me: Neither you nor any of the other lightweights here could fade me. Him: Lightweight? Me? Getting confident I see… Me: The weak are confident.  The strong are qualified. Heh heh heh. It’s been about a year since the refrigerator kiss.  Since…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D