Now Stalking the Barlock

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] I have recently begun professionally stalking a young man named Bar. He is an interesting specimen: a male witch, Straight, and a master of puppets. Literally. He makes, paints, sews for, strings, and does theater with puppets. Like many artists in Israel, he doesn’t have the “proteksia” to gain a lot of…

Now Crazy Ex Hosting Arden’s Web

Flower Arrangement by Arden

Today I built my first “crazy ex hosted” site, Arden’s Web. That’s where I basically stalk someone’s social media and curate posts for their website using this as source material. It’s like having an obsessive fan, but you pay me to do that. I thought of this because it seems that almost nobody interesting knows…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D