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When It Rains…

I suppose it’s time for an update.  A lot has happened in the past month.  I realized that opting out is not an option.  I started having crazy thoughts like whether or not I should wash my hair or let it go another couple of days or something.  I looked down and realized I hadn’t…

Who’s the Bitch II: Men Faking Orgasms

I haven’t been doing a lot of writing lately because my hands have been busy with art.  Some of it involves the making of mystical or psychospiritual items that require a lot of concentration to make properly.  As a non Santa-ist, I respect the aeons of trial and error that went into the symbolism, and…

Shanti R.I.P.

Purple Candles

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]I just found out last night that a friend (with benefits back when I didn’t know that “free love” meant guilt free use) of mine who “fell off the grid” after I woke up, didn’t go to India.  That was something he just told me so that I wouldn’t worry about him when he…

Not Gon’ Be Able to Do It

Okay, I tried to break my no backtracking policy, but I can’t.  It’s not so much about the policy as it is the why.  Hannibal isn’t reaching the minimum bar for what I require in a bitch, much less a secondary partner, so it’s all just moot.  He’s one of those guys I’ll admire from…

The Amazing Exploding Fatass

Well, how ever weird this month has been, it must have done something good. Yesterday morning, my workout exploded.  It’s like I can’t stop moving.  There was the workout, work, posting a bit, working some more, then working out some more.  I feel like myself again.  Hopefully soon I’ll look like myself again too.  It’s a…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D