For Those Seeking or in Flight: Black Trans*feminist Nihilism

Indeed, Patterson himself disavows this application of social death to Black people post-emancipation and states his reasons for doing so, collectively referencing the various ways in which Black people have ostensibly been folded into civil society. But this itself invokes a conflation between the distilled social death and an analysis of slavery’s transformation throughout time,…

Qrackheads Aren’t Brainwashed. They’re Invested Due to Moral Injury

[sc name="responsivevoice" ] I know the popular tactic for getting loved ones off the Qrack is gentle compassion or epistemological conversation, but as time goes on I’m leaning more towards outright ridicule. This isn’t a pop psychology either-or abuser/codependent or megalomaniac/cultist situation. It’s more like the real deal where the victims are already or become…

Loyalty Is Earned

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]That respect is earned is said often. What’s not said so often though, is that loyalty also has to be earned. Though it’s a good thing when people give each other basic human respect, and people who share common values, some degree of loyalty, it’s not a given. Especially in these days when…

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