Defining Moment

Well, it looks like our little ile has encountered one of those situations wherein prescribed ebbo must be made for the Iyami Aje, since we are mostly witches. According to the Obi, ideally we should do it ourselves, but I’m not sure our members are really ready for it. We will need to humanely dispatch:…

Yemaya Days

This gallery contains 25 photos.

I love water.  I mean, I really love water.  I avoided the sea for a few weeks because it reminded me of someone, but I had to get back for work.  Now, I’m getting back in the habit.  Here are some photos of some of my visits to the sea. 🙂

Diva Strikes Again : The Ivory Tower Topples

Once upon a time, there was a princess of a very small kingdom.  Twice in her life, suitors passed the customary tests and won her hand, but twice just as the time came to fully establish their claim, they lost interest.  The first saw bigger and more complex kingdoms just over the horizon, and was…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D