You F***ed Up. Now What? Repairing a Primal Relationship

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]We all make mistakes. None of us comes to any kind of relationship without some baggage or prejudices based on ignorance or faulty information. These days when people are already walking on eggshells in conventional relationships, a Primal situation can seem a nightmare. Even worse, it is the best sex you will ever…

Primal Fetish Relationships: Predator, Mate, and Prey

[caption id="attachment_2037" align="alignleft" width="169"] Primal Friends[/caption] [sc name="responsivevoice" ]As the Primal “fetish” community grows, I am noticing a rather disturbing trend to oversimplify our relationships to Predator vs. prey.  It’s like people are trying so hard to fit us into conventional BDSM boxes. Prey is what you eat or farm to consume.  Some like to…

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