The Revolution Will Not Be Monetized, YouTube Shamed for Pride Month

I’m not usually that vocal online unless I’m bored or sick. In this case I’m getting ready for surgery next week, so I’ve been too wired to write or do too many readings, and guess what I stumbled onto in Twitter? Carlos Maza, a reporter, LGBTQ activist, Gay, and Latino man has been having trouble…

Is Your Site Being Spammed by Trump Supporters?

It seems like any site these days that isn’t moderated, is being spammed by Trump supporters.  Many are trying to pass their posts off as original thoughts, but this isn’t true.  If you want to be able to track where their ideas are coming from, here is a handy list of websites they frequent.  This…

Freedom of Speech On the Internet Is Not Threatened By Moderation

I’m an African American woman on the internet, and I don’t have a troll problem.  I don’t have keyboard wannabe psychos, perverts, or other brands of idiots plaguing me. I used to.  A long time ago, wasting time on Usenet, I picked up a couple of barnacles.  They used their freedom of speech to harass…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D