Slow Jams Playlists on Spotify in Three Flavors

This one is the usual R&B slow jams playlist. It’s got some of the old and some of the new up in here. I have a rule of no depressing songs on my playlists of this purpose. You don’t need to be hearing about breakups and marital problems when you’re trying to get it on.…

What Does a Black Ring Mean?

Black ring with dark star ruby

[caption id="attachment_1676" align="alignleft" width="278"] Freak but handle with care…[/caption] [sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Black rings are starting to catch on this side of the pond.  People can wear whatever they like and make it mean whatever they want it to.  Still, there are some guidelines from trend-setting areas of the world, and well established jewelry and…

For Nosferatu

when we used to hang together neither of us cared what anyone else had to say about it and if anyone dared we would just laugh the same laugh giving the same sideways smile that we both got from our dear fathers who both pushed us the extra mile when i told you that you’re…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D