Young Witch In the 90s

My altar in the Navy early 90s

I forgot I was going to scan these photos that I showed a long time ago. These are pictures of my altar from when I was in the Navy. I had very little space, so I had to make due, and I did a lot of effective work and learned a lot of important lessons…

Altar Blue and Gold | Art by Nicole T. Lasher

Altar Blue and God, a woman sitting at her altar, a wooden table with a bowl, a basket with a wand, a light blue candle, a bottle of holy water, and a censer. She is wearing a long, draped royal blue dress, a gold stud earring, and has a medium thickness mass of dark, curly hair. In the background is an abstract painting of seaweed.

This is a woman sitting at her altar about to consecrate a new wand. Her altar is a wooden table with a bowl, a basket with a wand, a light blue candle, a bottle of holy water, and a censer. She is wearing a long, draped royal blue dress, a gold stud earring, and has…

The (Near) Death of Witchcraft

In the 1980’s, while I was in high school, witchcraft was being castrated. In the 1990’s, while I was in the military, and then marrying, and then becoming a new mother, witchcraft was given a hysterectomy. Then in the first decade and a half of the new millennium, witchcraft was given a lobotomy.

Are Witches Dateable? – YouTube

Vesponse: Are Witches Dateable? – YouTube. [embed][/embed] This is my video response to Spiritree41’s question.  She asked if witches are dateable, or if it’s just not in our destiny to have relationships these days.

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D