Now Stalking the Barlock

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] I have recently begun professionally stalking a young man named Bar. He is an interesting specimen: a male witch, Straight, and a master of puppets. Literally. He makes, paints, sews for, strings, and does theater with puppets. Like many artists in Israel, he doesn’t have the “proteksia” to gain a lot of…

What’s new with IronWynch?

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc]Internally, I’ve been coming to terms with many things about my new identity as a cyborg in more than theory. It has been a little weird. Some months have passed since the teeth were dealt with, and things seem to be going well. At the last cleaning, my teeth were much less mobile.…

It’s Free So Don’t Complain (Just Delete)

[sc name="responsivevoice" ]Like an idiot, I made the mistake of actually commenting on the forced upgrading situation. My bad. I basically got called ungrateful, and apparently the smug younglings don’t understand that it’s only people who care who bother to leave any feedback. Maybe they’re so used to being treated like interchangeable, disposable brain slaves…

To WordPress Plugin Developers Dropping Support for PHP 5.3

I don’t know who told you this was a good idea. There’s a reason Wordpress still supports 5.2+, and that is because up to 5.3 is stable, and above that, stuff gets broken. Some of us have “upgraded” and had to roll back at risk of losing all of our sites. The “upgraded” php just…

It is ON! Essence Forum Discussion on Bene Viera’s Thought Policing

Updated July 28, 2014 A few years ago, I started a discussion at the community forum entitled Should a Black Man Be Allowed to Disagree? What set it off was Bene Viera and some others deciding that Obsidian didn’t have the right to speak his mind about the state of relationships in the African American community.…

  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D