These 30 moments in 2020 and 2021 are possible turning points for the pandemic or barometers for how the virus is reshaping our lives.
Source: Charting the pandemic over the next 12 months — and beyond – STAT
These 30 moments in 2020 and 2021 are possible turning points for the pandemic or barometers for how the virus is reshaping our lives.
Source: Charting the pandemic over the next 12 months — and beyond – STAT
Throughout the country, socially distanced young adults and older adults have been forming connections
Source: Fighting Back against the Loneliness Epidemic – Scientific American
A very good article in plain English about how NOT to wear a mask.
Nigerian fashion designer Sefiya Diejomaoh likes to wear bright, bold clothes to match her personality. She believes a global pandemic should not get in the way of her sense of style.
New fabric technology may help to make a new generation of face masks that are more comfortable yet more effective.
Sonovia’s reusable anti-viral masks are coated in zinc oxide nano-particles that destroy bacteria, fungi and viruses, which it says can help stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Source: Israeli mask maker Sonovia expects 99% coronavirus success after lab test – The Jerusalem Post
One teacher in Texas built a hands-free hand sanitizing station.
Source: Teachers DIY safety equipment for school year in the middle of coronavirus pandemic – ABC News