Since Tiberias is where the thing was born, that is where I decided it should die. Also, Diva had an interest in this since she was hurt too. He was quite rude to her when she was trying to save the relationship.
So I took the elekes I’d made for his protection and to help make an effective solution for his problems, and gave them to Diva, since she is our ile’s child of Oshun. The children of Oshun are the go-to people for love issues. She disposed of the things while I watched. Then we turned from that place and did not look back.
I’ve now relearned the first aett of the Elder Futhark. Here are the photos.
As if to let me know I’m on the right track, on my way home from Tiberias, I encountered a guy I’d met awhile back and have seen occasionally, who gets it. He’s a tall, sturdy built Heathen, but he’s way waaaaaay too young for me. He might like Moon, but she doesn’t like me to match her with anyone. Considering my track record, I don’t blame her for not trusting my taste. I did good about her dad and Shai though. That should count for something, right?
Some friends and others in the Pagan community here are not happy about my decision. There is this horrible Babylon way of thinking that if something is difficult, uncomfortable, or hurts, that it must be bad. I hope they’ll understand one day, but if not then it’s not my problem. I am pressing forward in the way that is most effective and meaningful for me.
Nicole, I left this comment to you at Heartiste but because I posted most of the content it twice before I think he deleted it;
Nicole, it is not wise for African Americans to join hans with the Latino Cause. Why?
What people who are pro-Latino immigration don’t seem to get is that these people are primarily Catholic and a majority Catholic population will bring the US under Roman Papacy rule.
Just when whites as well as blacks are making headway in the Eastern traditions of Yoga, Tai Chi, the Tao, Buddhism, etc…. do we really want to regress back to Christianity, and that too Catholicism?
Something to think about.