A woman living with ME and EDS is dying in front of her husband’s eyes in an NHS hospital

A woman living with ME and EDS is dying in front of her husband’s eyes in an NHS hospital

A woman is fighting for her life in hospital after doctors refused to let her see specialists that may be able to help her. She lives with severe chronic illness – myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes (EDS). So, her husband has issued a desperate cry for help on her behalf.

Sadly, her story will not be unfamiliar to some people. This is because NHS treatment for this disease is at best dire – and at worst, life threatening.

ME and EDS

ME is a chronic systemic neuroimmune disease, not dissimilar to long Covid. Medical professionals generally claim there is no known cure for ME. As the Canary previously wrote:

Source: A woman living with ME and EDS is dying in front of her husband’s eyes in an NHS hospital


My pronouns are whatever you're comfortable with as long as you speak to me with respect. I'm an Afruikan and Iswa refugee living in Canaan. That's African American expat in Israel in Normalian. I build websites, make art, and assist people in exercising their spirituality. I'm also the king of an ile, Baalat Teva, a group of African spirituality adherents here. Feel free to contact me if you are in need of my services or just want to chat.

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