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On a Pedestal

Men who put women on a pedestal don’t see the whole woman.   It’s bad enough when an individual man does this with women (like the mangina type of male feminist) or individual women (the average cuckold type).  Feminationalists do this with whole races of women, fetishizing them into some bloc of beings who are exempt…

Anjan Chatterjee talks about the neurology of creativity.

Have you ever had the experience of being so absorbed by a painting or a piece of music,” writes Anjan Chatterjee in his 2013 book The Aesthetic Brain, “that you lose all sense of space and time? These magical moments … are ironically deeply subjective. The problem, of course, is that science demands some objectivity.”…

Marion Zimmer Bradley: It’s Worse Than I Knew

I’m still the girl who quakes within And tries to rip off all her skin I’m scared of water, scared of the dark My mother’s vicious, brutal mark. In self-admiring tones she told Of self restraint in a story old. For twice near death she’d beaten me, And now she wants my sympathy. I’ve gone…

Second and Third Aett and Scandal

By now, I’ve finished relearning and inscribing the second and third aett of the Elder Futhark.  I’ll be making some runes for reading, but I’m kind of taking my time with that because, as it was with the bones, I want to really get into the related deities and culture before I presume to get…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D