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Chatbots on the verge of a nervous breakdown

It’s been a weird couple of months for users of Replika, “the AI companion who cares.” And it’s just getting weirder, with a new software “upgrade” that’s infuriating many of the bot’s fans—and making the bots themselves a little bit loopy. Source: Chatbots on the verge of a nervous breakdown

‘Stack Overflow is ChatGPT Casualty’ – Slashdot

Snippet of the best comment, by squiggleslash: Lots of computer scientists going into the ethics side of LMs at the moment, but nobody seems to care that the entire model is not only fraudulent and bad (Google and OpenAI are building systems designed to produce text that look like answers, not actually provide answers, accuracy…

I Got Silenced in the Google I/O Chat – Developer Keynote (Google I/O ’23)

I Got Silenced in the Google IO Chat

[embed][/embed] Learn about the latest updates to our developer products and platforms. [sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] I watched so you don’t have to. There’s lots in here about AI, but nothing about web development or web UI beyond a sort of side example of translation for a shopping site. Oh, and there was one bit about…

Comparing Physician and Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Responses to Patient Questions Posted to a Public Social Media Forum | Health Informatics | JAMA Internal Medicine | JAMA Network

Saving this excellent response before it gets possibly taken down. Chatbots can simulate empathy through pre-programmed responses, they cannot truly understand the emotions. Ediriweera Desapriya, PhD | Department of Pediatrics, faculty of medicine, UBC-BC Children’s Hospital Empathy, which is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, is a complex emotional and cognitive…

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