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Kenyan innovators turn e-waste to bio-robotic prosthetic

Kenyan innovators turn e-waste to bio-robotic prosthetic
Kenyan innovators turn e-waste to bio-robotic prosthetic by Mary KULUNDU (Medical Xpress)

Twoportraits of Albert Einstein hang on the walls of a makeshift laboratory on Nairobi’s outskirts, inspiring a pair of self-taught Kenyan innovators who have built a bio-robotic prosthetic arm out of electronic scrap.

Two portraits of Albert Einstein hang on the walls of a makeshift laboratory on Nairobi’s outskirts, inspiring a pair of self-taught Kenyan innovators who have built a bio-robotic prosthetic arm out of electronic scrap.Cousins Moses Kiuna, 29, and David Gathu, 30, created their first prosthetic arm in 2012, after their neighbor lost a limb in…

Tesla eerily silent as federal investigators blame “FSD” in deadly firetruck crash | Boing Boing

Tesla eerily silent as federal investigators blame "FSD" in deadly firetruck crash
Tesla eerily silent as federal investigators blame “FSD” in deadly firetruck crash (BoingBoing)

While investigators for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration merely “suspect” the Tesla that crashed into a firetruck was in self-driving mode, Tesla’s silence seems to confirm it. Typically Tesla’s CEO and hypeman Musk is quick to blame the drivers of cars after violent collisions.

While investigators for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration merely “suspect” the Tesla that crashed into a firetruck was in self-driving mode, Tesla’s silence seems to confirm it. Typically Tesla’s CEO and hypeman Musk is quick to blame the drivers of cars after violent collisions. Source: Tesla eerily silent as federal investigators blame “FSD” in…

Knesset committee okays bill sharply limiting judicial review; opposition: ‘Putsch’ | The Times of Israel

Knesset committee okays bill sharply limiting judicial review; opposition: ‘Putsch’ | The Times of Israel by Jeremy Sharon (

Opposition MKs boycott the final Constitution Committee vote at Knesset in protest at conduct of panel; Yisrael Beytenu MKs denounce legislation as a ‘regime putsch’

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] The government-backed bill to radically restrict the High Court of Justice’s ability to strike down unconstitutional legislation was approved in the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee on Wednesday morning and will now be sent for its first reading in the Knesset plenum, amid opposition outrage directed at committee chair MK Simcha…

Building A Preferred Future. It’s about much more than leaving… | by Stephen P. Anderson | Feb, 2023 | Medium

Building A Preferred Future - a person with long, mildly wavy, ash blonde hair in a horizontal thin striped shirt, looking across a field into a futuristic cityscape
Building A Preferred Future – Stephen P. Anderson – Medium by an author (Medium)

Yeah, yeah, I know — please keep reading. It’s deeper than all that. This is something I’ve been thinking about long before the recent swirl and chaos…

My use of Twitter for the past several years has been a cautious and guarded one. Various events seeded some scary thoughts in my mind: What if Twitter was gone tomorrow? What if I got locked out of my account? What if all my data was deleted? What if I could no longer reach out…

What’s Wrong With Google? Letting Go of SEO

What happens if you search Google for African American authors.

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] I’m not going to mince words. Everybody knows what’s wrong with Google now. There’s lots of speculation and also lots of actual information about why and how it happened, and lots of debate about this, but everybody’s clear on the results: Google is no longer a reliable way to find the most relevant…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D