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False Rape Accusations: How to Reduce Your Chances

Frank Embree

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] In 1889, Frank Embree was accused of raping a 14 year old (“white”) woman (back then, 14 was considered a woman).  He was innocent, but confessed after receiving 100 lashes with a whip.  Then he was castrated, flayed and then burned alive in front of a cheering crowd. There have been many…

Trouble In Paradise: the MRA, MHRA, MGTOW Splits

I’m seeing a lot of disturbing things…a lot of accusations thrown around that don’t quite fit.  I realize that there are some very intense emotions attached to the men’s rights issue, but let me remind everyone why we are here. Being dead honest, as usual, there are two kinds of people in this world: the…

Loser Wannabe Supremacists Who Can’t Take a No

You’d think that if a person believed that they were inherently superior, they would feel compelled to actually behave in a superior manner.  If other men are mere men, they would not settle for being mere men, much less being less than men.  If other men are intelligent and well read, they would not settle…

Black Women Are Sluts? – Game for Girls

I’ve noticed he’s refreshing some old material, but this time peppered with lots of fear of a Black penis. Like most of this sort, his whole premise of “white” superiority is based on the myth that Europeans are more feminist and docile. Apparently, he doesn’t know many Scots, Russians, Romanians, Latvians, etc. Basically, he’s saying…

I’m not obligated to love you. « Random Xpat Rantings

Being loveable is a skill. People with little experience of being loved want and perhaps even NEED to downplay that fact. Being loveable is a skill. Nobody deserves love. We are not newborn babies and I’m not some mothers nipple. We earn it, through our actions. By adding value. By being happy and sharing happiness.…

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