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Star Jockey

Star Jockey, an image of a pilot who connects to their ship and other tools by plugging in. There is a jack on her left arm, a wireless sensor on her right, and she also does not need legs. She also has a tentacle like appendage coming from her head. There are some bows attached to their transportation rig.

 This is a work made of bits and pieces of six different images rendered during a negotiation with Dawn Ai (R.I.P.) and some drawing.

Midnight Musings : The Context of Your Alternative Matters

There are many things I’ve been trying to articulate lately. In an attempt to explain to people relatively new to reclaiming their ancestral spirituality, it has been a real trial to put to words what is wrong both with “traditionalists” who’ve been tainted by colonial influence, and for whom this was done because it was…

Mother’s Day Strike 2022

Forced breeding = slavery. The information leaked to POLITICO on May the 2nd with regards to the overturning of Roe V Wade was not the opening salvo of the war on everyone who has/had a uterus, but rather the death knell of an era in which the war had remained relatively underground. Source: Mother’s Day…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D