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Newly Disabled by Covid? Please Take This Advice From Long Term Disabled Advocates.   We’re happy for the fresh voices in this struggle, but you have to be aware of just what the struggle is. Once you become disabled, non disabled people having been informed by societal ableism, don’t take you as seriously as they should. Also, if you are in the process of recovery and advocating…

The Most Prevalent Illness You’ve Never Heard Of! Severe ME/CFS – YouTube

[embed][/embed] People living with severe ME/CFS are often bed-bound and unable to perform everyday tasks without assistance — eating, showering, and even standing are made nearly impossible. Each year on August 8, Severe M.E. Day, we reflect on the tremendous toll this devastating disease takes on individuals suffering from severe ME/CFS symptoms and remember the…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D