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Two Kinds Each

There are two types of women: sluts and whores. There are two types of men: fuckers and wankers. Mind you, we’re talking about base Nature here, not ideals.

Back in the Saddle

If it wasn’t clear enough from the line of poetry, I’m back in the saddle and rebuilding my stable.  I’m being more decisive about this since there is no compelling reason not to be.  One of the lessons I learned from being stuck with someone whose sex drive and just about every other drive runs…

Goodbye is Goodbye

Another thing that became very clear to me after the last relationship is that, right or wrong, the first time a guy dumps me or does something I consider irredeemable (like threaten me or my loved ones), I start to hate him.  I may still love him in a way, but it is as if…

Field Test: Sustaining a Relationship With An Israeli Man

Diva suggested that to really understand where I am, I need to make a sincere attempt to sustain an actual relationship with an Israeli man.  So the next time I had the opportunity, I didn’t run away screaming or make the usual paranoid accusations while laughing in his face. I promised him that I wouldn’t…

Cultural Differences, Malice, and Stupidity

I am still reeling from the disorientation of learning the differences between a gigantic sexual market and a tiny one.  In the U.S. I was considered very cool and easygoing.  Here, I’m clingy, obsessive, and paranoid.  Sometimes I freeze someone out or say something incredibly ill timed and stupid just because I don’t know what…

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