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The Zen Garden

The other day, I went to Haifa University to meet Diva to hang out.  We had lunch and then visited the witchcraft and mysticism section of the library.  Then we went to sit in what I guess passes for a Zen garden in Israel. Most of the bamboo was dead or dying, and it was…

Day of Fried SIN

This gallery contains 7 photos.

Between the post-stress reactions involved with freeing myself from an emotionally retarded meat puppet’s attempts at controlling me, and the announcement that we are once again at war, I thought it was time for a good old southern “YOLO” meal. I made Israeli mac-and-cheese (a ptitim/Israeli cousous casserole), “stoner fried chicken” (a combination of the…

To my ex fucktards…

To any of you seeking to control or censor me: You will not control me personally.  You will not control me through others.   I have my dignity, and do not do the things that you may be afraid that I will do because of my personal beliefs and honor, not because of your attempts to…

Back in the Saddle

If it wasn’t clear enough from the line of poetry, I’m back in the saddle and rebuilding my stable.  I’m being more decisive about this since there is no compelling reason not to be.  One of the lessons I learned from being stuck with someone whose sex drive and just about every other drive runs…

The Black Dominatrix: Empowering or Not?

Sometimes things that seem empowering because “everyone” says they should be, turn out to be very disempowering. For a woman to dominate a man from time to time is natural, and when natural, empowering for them both.  The woman gets to act out her nature without hiding, and the man gets to admire a woman…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D