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The Addams Family

I don’t ask to be loved despite my flaws. I don’t ask that anyone love me at all. When it happens, I am grateful.  When it doesn’t, I get over it.  I know I’m not the only woman in the world or the prettiest.  I won’t even tell a guy that nobody will love him…

Adventures in the Last Gasp of Sexual Relevance

Well, I tried being a bar slut.  I truly did.  I got a good start by doing something a little crazy during Purim.  After the breakup with Papa II, I was feeling kinda low, and TB helped me out by introducing me to some nice young men who might be kind enough to help an…

Return of the Maque

I had a very happy Purim.  Many important principles were confirmed for me.  I understand very well now, to question my motivation, but not my instincts.  My friends know the sordid details of my wild weekend already, which I’m not going to share with the rest of the world.  The stuff that other readers should…

Dusting Off

The recovery effort is going well so far.  I got the crap out of my system, did my crying, talked my friends’ ears off, went out and got drunk, and met some new guys.  One in particular will have a nice tale to tell his grandkids about the time he met a Black woman at…

Video: Burning of the Lies

In this video, I read the letters Papa II wrote me with his own hands, burn them, and then eat some of the ashes to own my half of the stupidity of it all. As you hear the words, remember that I am not a young, hot chick a guy would need to lie to…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D