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The Riot of Bamber Bridge (1943) •

The US Armed Forces were segregated until President Harry Truman issued Executive Order 9981 on July 26, 1948 which desegregated all the military service branches. That segregation during World War II helped create the Riot of Bamber Bridge in Great Britain in 1943. When US forces were sent to Britain that year black soldiers were…

GRITS: My Alphabet People


[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] Early in the dark hours of the morning, I made a post on that I was thinking of new words and letters. This is because lately, I’ve also been giving some thought to the context of transgression against oppression. Steven and I had some talks about various things many years ago,…

Midnight Musings : The Context of Your Alternative Matters

There are many things I’ve been trying to articulate lately. In an attempt to explain to people relatively new to reclaiming their ancestral spirituality, it has been a real trial to put to words what is wrong both with “traditionalists” who’ve been tainted by colonial influence, and for whom this was done because it was…

A New Site is Birthing: Logo

I’ve begun work on a new website, I think it’s about time more people knew that afrocentric and Panafrican maternal feminists and Africana womanists exist. What gave me the inspiration to actually buy a domain and give this some focus is that most of the writing around it is academic and it’s not being…

Vegans, Stop Being Jerks About It

[sc name="responsivevoice" ][/sc]A short public service announcement to vegans who backwards rationalize their eating habits, making it look more like an eating disorder than a rational choice: It’s bad enough that on the surface, preachy vegans seem to decide that sacrificing a thousand bees is worth saving one chicken. The truth behind that is it’s…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D