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Dealing With Haters

I love my haters.  They’re my best press and the evidence that I’m doing something right.  Their attempts to “put me in my place” are welcome challenges that ultimately end up confirming the legitimacy of my position. What’s funny about that is that I’m not particularly rich or famous.  I’m just me, and don’t apologize…

Not Gon’ Be Able to Do It

Okay, I tried to break my no backtracking policy, but I can’t.  It’s not so much about the policy as it is the why.  Hannibal isn’t reaching the minimum bar for what I require in a bitch, much less a secondary partner, so it’s all just moot.  He’s one of those guys I’ll admire from…

Hannibal Rising

Okay, it’s not another day, but here’s the story. Slick has earned it.  Some things have happened that have made him stronger, and he’s handling things like he should have years ago.  Even back then, he earned his stripes by not treating me like a dirty secret.  He accused me of being obsessed for wanting…

Progress March 2010

It’s cool today, and I’m not getting half naked, so I wore somewhat tight clothing.  I don’t dress like this normally, just so y’all know.  It’s just for the purpose of letting you see how my body is evolving.  Where in years past, I dressed to compliment my figure, I feel that now it’s time…

The Amazing Exploding Fatass

Well, how ever weird this month has been, it must have done something good. Yesterday morning, my workout exploded.  It’s like I can’t stop moving.  There was the workout, work, posting a bit, working some more, then working out some more.  I feel like myself again.  Hopefully soon I’ll look like myself again too.  It’s a…

Cuckoo For My Cocoa Puffs

Seems Vegeta is not suicidal, just socially retarded.  He wanted back in.  Not only did he want back in, but thought he had a chance of getting there without doing anything to win back my trust and respect.  I tried to keep it light.  I really did. He is so ashamed of me that he…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D