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Now Stalking the Barlock

[sc name="voicefemlower" ][/sc] I have recently begun professionally stalking a young man named Bar. He is an interesting specimen: a male witch, Straight, and a master of puppets. Literally. He makes, paints, sews for, strings, and does theater with puppets. Like many artists in Israel, he doesn’t have the “proteksia” to gain a lot of…

A New Site is Birthing: Logo

I’ve begun work on a new website, I think it’s about time more people knew that afrocentric and Panafrican maternal feminists and Africana womanists exist. What gave me the inspiration to actually buy a domain and give this some focus is that most of the writing around it is academic and it’s not being…

Done With Wacom and Other Outsourced Manufacturers of Shit

It’s not just that they don’t make things like they used to.  They don’t make things that even fucking work.  First the tablet drivers don’t load, and then they have the nerve to blame it on the little magic elves that live in the cords’ fragile ecosystem that is destroyed by touching it or something.…

Yahoo replaces Google as Firefox’s default search

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Yahoo will supplant Google’s search engine on Firefox’s Web browser in the U.S., signaling Yahoo’s resolve to regain some of the ground that it has lost in the most lucrative part of the Internet’s ad market. The five-year alliance announced Wednesday will end a decade-old partnership in the U.S. between Google…

Money Where My Mouth Is

This coming Friday, I’m going to take my first steps back into catering, and sell drastically low sugar and naturally sweetened cakes at the farmer’s market.  I hope they’ll sell.  I’m still not sure how I’m going to word the pitch cards, so this batch won’t have any.  The question is whether to sell their…

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  • You’ve read the article, now get the t-shirt! :-D